gut health and microbes




The gastrointestinal system hosts trillions of microbes, including bacteria, fungi, archaea, yeasts, protozoa, and viruses. This diverse microbial population, known as the intestinal microbiota, is essential for maintaining a healthy gut.

Vermate is a supplement that supports optimal gut health in farm animals by providing a balanced, diverse microbial population. It includes essential microbial species and humates that help.

Benefits of a Healthy Gut Microbiota

Digestion Gut microbes break down food and help produce vitamins.

Immune System They stimulate and influence the immune system, contributing to a strong defence against illness.

Nervous System Microbes produce chemicals that affect brain activity, behaviour, and pain perception.

Overall Health A balanced microbiota promotes fat storage, nerve growth, and overall health and behaviour.

Sources of Gut Microbes

From Birth  Initial microbes are acquired from the mother during birth and through breastfeeding.

Environment Grazing, natural water sources, and social interactions with other animals introduce new microbes.

Diet Various foods and environmental factors contribute to microbial diversity.


A high fiber, low sugar, and low starch diet is crucial as high starch can disrupt microbial balance leading to health and behavior problems, while stress hormones like cortisol can erode the gut lining causing inflammation, and regular movement is vital for gut motility and microbial health, with limited movement negatively impacting gut health.





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