Animal Husbandry

By incorporating Vermate into your dairy management practices, you can achieve healthier cows, higher-quality milk, and a more efficient and sustainable dairy operation.

Reduce Somatic Cell Counts in Dairy Animals with Vermate

Somatic cell counts in milk are a key indicator of the number of dead cells a cow releases due to metabolic stress. The unique blend of microbes and humates in Vermate optimizes feed digestion and nutrient uptake, leading to milk with lower somatic cell counts. This efficient feed absorption allows cows to use less energy to metabolize nutrients into milk, reducing metabolic stress. Consequently, the kidneys and liver experience less strain, minimizing organ damage and extending the productive lifespan of the cows.

Benefits of Vermate Treatment for Dairy Cows and Calves

Effective Diarrhea Control  Significantly reduces diarrhea in hand-raised calves.
Reduced Crypto Impact  The diverse microbial life in Vermate out-competes harmful organisms, minimizing the effects of crypto.
Lower Incidence of Gall Sickness and Red Water  Notable reduction in these conditions.
Reduced Foot Rot  Decreases the occurrence of foot rot during the rainy season.
Parasite Symptom Reduction  Effectively reduces symptoms of liver fluke, wireworm, roundworm, and tapeworm.
Shorter Inter-Calf Period  Reduces the herd inter-calf period from 90 to 75 days.
Improved Milk Quality  Enhances the overall quality of the milk produced.

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